- You now weigh 7 pounds 3 oz! Amazing that you have grown so much in just ONE MONTH. You only weighed 6 pounds 2 oz when we brought your little long legged self home
- 21 inches - thats an inch in the last month!
- you are still mostly breastfed, only taking the breastmillk from a bottle at certain times when momma needs a break
- Usually you eat about 3 ounces per feeding
- you are on a 3 hour schedule - and you have mastered the timing perfectly - 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm and so on... around the clock
- you do NOT like to sleep on your back and this is causing a bit of a problem because im supposed to keep you on your back... your a belly sleeper for sure. you LOVE tummy time.
weYou are in the 90% onouryour LONG BONE catergory. Im crossing my fingers you have your daddys figure! ha ha- you smile the most when you sleep
- you pute a whole lot. like really a LOT. very gassy baby!
- you kick your pinky toe out when your nursing or sucking a bottle. its so cute!
- you LOVE YOUR MOMMA! you know my smell and my voice and it makes my heart flutter!
- You now weight 10 POUNDS 4 OZ! Your my little
CHUNKYMONKEY! - BUT, you only grew 1 inch..... whopping 22 inches now!
- We got your shots at exactly 8 weeks. I cried worse than you did. They were Terrible! You ran fever for 4 days and had an awful rash. i noticed it, and within 1 min your dad had you loaded in the car on the way to papas for medicine. no carseat, no diaper bag, no paci, no nothing! he panicked! the end result.... benadryl and its normal sometimes. YOU SCARED US TO DEATH!
- I bought the Angel Monitor and now allow you to sleep on your belly as you wish. your much happier
- you can focus your eyes on something
- Phyl introduced you to the TV and you love it. you watch baby einstein for the entire 23 min video every morning before the sitter comes and it entertains you long enough for me to take a shower, or put on my makeup, or get dressed, or whatever stage im at in the morning!
- I have you on the Baby Wise Schedule. Merge one went fantastic. We combined our 1 am feed and our 4 am feed into one feeding at 2:30. you like the schedule so far.
- you eat 4 oz every 3 hours (except during the night during our merge feed)
- starting at week 10 i increased your milk to 5 oz and you moved to a 4 hour schedule - 8am, 12noon, 4pm, 8pm, ect...
- still only breastmilk but much more so from the bottle now after i pump
- you have discovered your dads chest hair. you grip it in your fingers and pull so hard he cries but he cant move you (you fake sleep when you do it)... ha ha ha... i love it!
- you want your face in my neck when your sleepy and i love you there
- you love to be outside. Even after we first brought you home from the hospital, the minute i took you outside you got quiet. We swing for hours and you dont utter a peep! we already bought you your own swing and mounted it next to ours and you spend a lot of your awake time in your outside swing!
- your a sweater! your dad and i are both so cold natured and you definitely ARE NOT! you sweat in every outfit no matter how thin the cotton or how cold the house.
- you can lift your head from side to side when your on your belly. a complete 180 degrees turn.
- you like the pajamas with the feet in them - the one piece jammies
- you have a "strawberry hemangioma" that came about when you were about a month old but it has gotten larger - it is in your hairline but very noticable right now!
- you are only fussy when you are hungry or tired.
- i cant eat anything with tomato sauce - it makes your tummy hurt. so i have eliminated pizza, speghetti, taco sauce, and lasagna from my diet entirely. Bummer
- you are smiling so much more but its still hit or miss to catch it on the camera!
- I am officially back at work after 8 weeks and although im enjoying my time and getting away and doing things, i sure do miss my baby................. :(