Please ignore the insane amount of drool that pooled out
onto her dress when she toppled over - (next pic) |
WEIGHT: 15 pounds (59%)
LENGTH: 25.5 in (79%)
HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 41.5 cm or 16.3 in (59%)
This is proof of how hard i had to work to get the picture.
She is a Busy Little Bee these days.... |
FOOD: bananas, pears, apples, prunes, carrots, squash, peas, and sweet potatoes
(you LOVE carrots, pears, and prunes)
BEVERAGE: Still only breasmilk 6-7oz per feeding (approx 30 -34 oz per day)
(you very rarely drink 7 oz - only first thing in the morning and you usually have to break after 4oz)
SCHEDULE: Im still a stickler for baby wise and you enjoy your schedule too I think :)
BEDTIME: 9-9:30ish, and you sleep until between 6-7 am
SLEEPING ALL NIGHT: YES!!! I am so proud of you for this! I have NEVER had to let you "Cry it Out".... When you are sleepy all I have to do is go put you in your bed and you go to sleep... you may fuss a little sometimes but its usually only because you lost your passy, or your binky, or something trivial like that. You will not go to sleep on my chest anymore - you strictly want to be put down in your bed. You will, however; go to sleep on your dads. You chill out a lot more when he is around.
CLOTHING SIZE: officially 6 months
(you still have some 3 months dresses that fit you, but all of your 3 month footed pajamas are too short and your toes want to pop out the end)
MONEY MAKERS: You can roll over (front to back and back to front) without hesitation now, you can almost hold your own bottle all the time, you have started doing this fake cough thing, where you "fake cough" and then laugh at yourself. Its SO CUTE! You are working on sitting up, but you still face plant these days. Push ups are your daily exercise. You can scoot backwards. It is not a crawl, its an "inching" type of movement. You have discovered how wonderful your toes are - so much for socks! You rip them right off and start sucking on your toes. I hope you keep this flexibiltiy for cheerleader! You have also learned to "fake cry"... this is different than "fake cough." "Fake cry" consists of whining in which you know what you want, and we know what you want, but your not getting it. No tears are produced and it is really more like a pout. Your dad falls for it hook, line, and sinker.... I, however, do not! .
FAVORITES: Adventures of Tinkerbell, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Carrots, Apple Juice, Footed Pajamas, Outside, The Church Nursery (your mesmorized with other kids - as long as they dont get in your face and touch you)
THINGS YOU DO NOT ENJOY: Your carseat (your getting much better at this though), people you do not know (this is getting to be a real problem and im hoping you grown out of this phase....., but at the moment, if you dont recognize somebody, then all bets are off and the tears start flowing - at church, at the park, football games, walmart, you name it... you dont like random people approaching you). I think your going to be an odd little bird. You like crowds and noise, as long as nobody is directing their attention to YOU. Its like you love to be in the action, but "please dont talk to me" is written all over your forehead. Im still trying to figure you out.... and really hoping its a phase because this is completely not my personality, and I dont know how to handle that.
You handled your 4 month shots MUCH MUCH better than your 8 week shots. You barely ran a fever, and never had a rash. They never made you fussy or restless. I was super worried to get them this time, but you did just fine!
Take note: There is always a "binky" in our face these days... |
Who doesnt just love a cute little booty??? |