My beautiful baby is not a baby anymore... walking, talking, personality of her own, sweet-natured, smart, precious, LITTLE GIRL!!!
Ya know, when I first took Rose to the Doctor to start getting the so-called "Stats" I was slightly concerned my over-achiever might be too tall for heels in her future (99% remember???); however, she has started to slow in growth a good bit, and is turning from the BigFoot Woman I had her pictured as to a small/tiny/petite little sucker!
LENGTH: 32 inches (45%)
WEIGHT: 22 pounds (37%)
(if you go back and look at her 1 year stats you will notice... she has not grown 1 inch - not one measly little cm even.) Her head and her body are no larger than she was at 12 months. I have several hypothesis for this situation:
1. She hit a growth spurt right before one year stats and has not hit one since then
2. measurements were totally off at 1 year stats (these are 100% accurate - we checked and re-checked, and measured and re-measured)
3. She has not hit her growth spurt for this year and we are on the brink of something big
4. She's going to be a sprinter - she starts off strong but cant go the distance.

SHOE SIZE: 3 (kind of in between sizes here - 3 are getting small, 4 are way too big)
CLOTHING SIZE: 18 months

- When you laugh really loud you show your teeth and throw your head back
- You are such a girly-girl - loving those dolls and all the "accessories" that go with them
- You do not hide your emotions well and people know how you are feeling about them: mad, upset, happy, over-it, not in the mood to play, feelings on your shoulder
- You are the sweetest first thing in the morning - the best hugs and most cuddly
- You will sleep until we wake up on Saturday mornings - this past Saturday it was 9 am... and Sunday it was 9:15 am... I will never have another child who loves to sleep late like their mamma
- I am totally in love with my Fridays because it is 100% a mommy/daughter day - we sleep late - eat donuts for breakfast - picnics in the park - go out to lunch - take long naps - watch Disney movies - work puzzles - read books - go shopping
- Your face can be full of expression when you are into whatever it is you are doing
- When you do not know the answer to something you throw your arms up with your hands up with this giant expression on your face and your eyes wide open insinuating "I DO NOT KNOW MAMMA"
- You are still so laid back and live in your own little world - sometimes I have to take a deep breath and let you enjoy your childhood and not rush you - its harder than you think
- You love to be outside and this winter weather is not your thing
- Bows nor hats bother you and you will wear either one - until you get mad then that's the first thing that goes - your way of handling the situation I guess
- You still do not like strangers and I never have to worry about teaching you the "Stranger Danger" routine because you have already gotten that mastered
- Bananas are still a favorite. I have decided you are not a picky eater - you just will not eat unless you want to eat. I have given up hope of making you eat and have decided that if you are hungry then you will eat
- With that being said, you are a snacker - little girl loves a snack - chips, cookies, sprite, gummies, veggie bites - I have started limiting your snacks and you don't get one unless you eat your lunch/dinner...
- ICE - you will eat crushed ice until your fingers are blue and about to fall off
- You still break out in a rash when you are upset. You had "the rash" (your dad thought?) when we picked you up from nursery Sunday after Church and your dad accused the nursery worker of you getting bullied. Turns out, it was only pink icing from a do-nut...
- You love to take a bath or a shower
- No allergies thus far
- Not a big fan or socks, but obsessed with shoes
- I can already tell you are going to be a girl of Summer - you don't like clothes with sleeves (you are constantly pushing them up), you don't like to wear socks or tights, you love things cold (ice, popsicles, snow cones), you love the water
- You love the I pad and will play for hours if we let you
- You are the perfect combination of your daddy and myself. You are determined yet gentle - two qualities rarely seen together in one person. You are quick to forgive yet slow to make friends. You are not much of a talker but when you do talk its full of expression and character. You are easily entertained and have no problems playing by yourself. You interact exceptionally well with kids your own age and have never cried nor complained about going to the nursery. You share really well, except for Dolly the Doll - you do not share her. You are strong willed at times, and we are having a tough time figuring out to handle this. You love Miss Lizzie and you know you always get your way with her - we are having a hard time figuring out how to handle that as well. You constantly stay busy. Whether its playing kitchen, feeding a baby, cleaning out your bookcase, doing your own laundry, going through my china cabinet, rearranging the doll cabinet, or emptying your own trash can - you always manage to find something to do. You are also very proud of each and every accomplishment and each and every new decorating tip you have for me. I have learned quiet=trouble. I cant imagine life without you or even remember life before you. You the perfect blend of sugar and spice and everything nice. You, my sweet Rose, are my precious LITTLE GIRL!