I really dont even know where to start with this post... Im a little frazzled by the whole "ELEVEN MONTHS" title. I remember thinking "I cant believe she is 8 weeks old today," and then "Oh My Word, my baby girl is 6 months old." The list of phrases flood my mind. What a joy she has been to get to know this past year. 11 months seem like such a long time, yet, it has more than flown by. She has a one-of-a-kind personality, that we cant seem to get enough of. I'll save the sentimental post for her big 1 year! As I know, that before I can blink my eyes, I will be writing her 1 year stats down for record! For these next few weeks are sure to pass as quickly as the last 11 months!

I swear she is a happy baby -- always smiling, always laughing, always doing this squealing sound with her voice. That is, until I break out the camera, and this is the overall look I get! I promise - we will have photo shoots every night until I get a good one year picture! Even Darly was tired of these pictures... Hence, the yawn....
Weight: 20.4 lbs (per her weight watchers weekly weigh in)
Shoe Size: 2
Clothes Size: 12 months (a few 9 months still fit)
Diaper Size: 3
Teeth: 1/2 of a lower incisor. We are patiently waiting for the other 19 1/2
Milk: Organic Whole Milk with DHA (just switched you this weekend - no more formula) and you LOVE it.. You will drink 8 oz in one sitting, and you have never consumed that much milk before! I contribute your .2oz weight gain in a week to this new fettish of milk!
Bottle: No longer exists .... I have forced the sippie cup on you and bagged up all the bottles....
Passy: Still going strong... with no will to give that habit up anytime soon
Sleep: Usually go down about 8:30pm and will sleep until your woken (anywhere from 7am to 9am) - You are a very light sleeper and any noise will wake you up!
Food: You eat pretty much anything. You like to feed yourself, and you think you dont need any help in doing so. You go through spells of eating a lot, then you go weeks where we have to work extra hard just to get a few bites down you. You only eat when your hungry - you get this from your daddy....
Favorites: Bathtime, Strolling, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, your Activity Block, Church Nursery - or any activity involving lots of kids, Being Outside
Things you LOVE: The Yellow Duck Binky, Passy, V8 Fruit Splash, Bows in your hair, Bananas, Drinking out of our glasses, Picking flowers
Things you HATE: Sippie Cup, Hats, Wiping your Nose, Dresses (you cant crawl in them - your knees get hung up), Lound Noises (i.e. the vacuum cleaner, thunder)
Things you can Do: Pull up, crawl as fast as I can walk, walk around the table, wave bye-bye, put the phone to your ear and say "aye"
Things you can Say: Ma Ma, Da Da, DarDarDar (Darly.. we think?), Bye Bye, Aye (Hey?), Ka Ka (Khaki???), and the famous NO (more like 'O')
If I had a dollar for every time I wiped the drool from her chin I would be a Rich Rich Woman - Retiring, with a house on the beach, and a personal chef. Where are her teeth??????
Rose loves her dog Grandma Phyl and Papa Hardin gave her for Christmas. She pushes and plays with it daily. It is her daily goal to get both legs inside and sit, and THEN turn around (without falling out)... and the bigger she gets - the more she is determined to fit. Not a big fan of actually pushing the dog - for pushing she prefers her baby stroller, compliments of Aunt Ramey and Uncle Brent :)
how BIG has this munchkin gotten....???? yep.. 11 months....