

Thursday, June 20, 2013

... with the cutest fish you have ever seen!

In preparation for a WEEK LONG FAMILY VACATION!!!!, Rose took a class in Cleveland for Infant Water Safety.  The main lesson to be taught to the kids was to float on their backs and breathe.  Rose would rather jump of the side and sink to the bottom....  Not a big fan of "floating" and REALLY NOT a big fan of being on her back in the water.  I definitely don't see many back strokes in her future!  For the most part, Rose did extremely well.  She was the most advanced child in her age group by a long shot.  The class ranged from 6 months through 2 years old.  Some 2 yr old kids wouldn't even put their face in the water.  Rose never had that problem ....  By the end of the class, she was jumping off the sides of the pool, pulling herself out of the pool, blowing bubbles, and going under without choking.  I was so proud of my little fish!  I have had big plans for our beach vacation.  However, Rose got in the lake last weekend (after a week of swimming) and screamed bloody murder....  So now I'm unsure as to what was the cause of the fear...  I'm thinking the lake was just really "Vast"... Big, and unknown.  But then again, the ocean is even bigger... so now I'm slightly worried... who knows how she will do at the beach...  guess I'll know in a few days! We cant wait!


Tuesday, June 11, 2013


These are a few sneak peaks that the photographer posted on Facebook.  You can see all of the pictures at 
Go to Clients - and you will see Rose H
The password is:  rosieis1


Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Rose finally got to meet little Jonathan.  I am afraid "little Jonathan" is going to stick coming from my lips, just as "baby rose" sticks coming from other people's.  He is adorable...  looks just like his momma!  Rose really wanted to get him out of that seat and pull him around I think.  She goes straight for the eyes... I dunno why?  She did that with Anne Lowry too...  just wants to stick her fingers in those pretty eyes so bad!  It was so nice to see Margaret and catch up! Something I rarely get to do these days.... 

On another note, Rose is in a "stage" (I hope its a stage) where she is a complete angel for about 30 minutes, then its like she gets bored with being good or something, and then, BAM! Here comes the devil.  I think she is advanced - meaning we have hit the terrible two's an entire year early!  Im really really hoping this is a phase!  What has happened to my sweet mild mannered child???  She sees something, she wants it, then she has a complete meltdown until she gets it.  Its embarrassing, yet what do you do???  Let her scream in a resturant?  Spank her and then everyone thinks you need to be turned over to DHS? Let her have her way and climb the stairs and trip the waitresses, to keep her from screaming... then everyone looks at you like your a terrible mother who has no control over their kid.  Now if she was 3 or 4 or 5 or 30... I would handle it much different - but at 1 year old... WHAT DO YOU DO ????  She understands NO!  But Im not sure she understands WHY I'm telling her NO! If I were to take her outside, I think she would forget why she was in trouble by the time we got outside...     Anywho! this parenting and disciplining thing is not for the weak - at least not when your kid is only one year old!  To make a long story short... we enjoyed our lunch, but dessert was definitely rushed - due to the staircase being spotted and the meltdown that followed....