What a FUN experience!!! At first, I was a little skeptical that Rose was too young for something like this - and I will admit, parts of it she was. However, Rose has been a Minnie Mouse Fan since she was old enough to understand who Minnie was in the first place, so recognizing them was total excitement for her little mind! She loved all of it, but you could definitely tell which Disney stories she was more familiar with. She would be in complete awe if it was one she recognized - Ariel and the Little Mermaid, Tinkerbell, and of course, Mickey and Minnie. The others (Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, Snow White, The Princess and the Frog, etc) she enjoyed due to lights, fire, action, swinging from the ceilings, acrobatics, and the like. It was just different - for the Little Mermaid and Peter Pan she actually danced and clapped her hands and squealed... I will be better prepared next year - we will have watched EVERY. SINGLE. DISNEY. CLASSIC. in preparation....

FYI - I also learned a lot about my husband's childhood (or lack thereof) during this performance.... Here is the basic conversation throughout the entire program....
Mark: Look there is Minnie Mouse Rose... Wait who is that with Minnie and Mickey?
Cassey: Tinker Bell
M: Who
C: Tinker - Bell ... you know??? from Peter Pan and the Adventures of Tinker Bell
M: Oh... yeah...
M: So who is that?
C: Belle
M: Belle? Who is Belle?
C: Beauty and the Beast Mark...
M: Who is that?
C: Princess Jasmine
M: Who the hell is Princess Jasmine
C: ALADDIN!!! Surely you watched Aladdin as a kid...
M: Nope
C: Guess you don't know who that is either...?
M: No Clue...
C: Seriously... That is SNOW WHITE MARK... FREAKING SNOW WHITE... do you not recognize the SEVEN dwarfs.... SEVEN of them... HI HO.. HI HO... ITS OFF TO WORK WE GO... Ring any bells...
M: Yea I have heard the song before...
As the daddy of a little girl... He has a lot to learn.........