

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


I am officially half way to due-date.  In reality, that is way beyond half-way for me.  I will not go over 38 weeks, which falls November 21st.  So, I am pretty much banking on having Thanksgiving babies - if I make it that far!  The doctors feel extremely positive about at least getting me to 32 weeks (October 10).  At 32 weeks, its is much easier to overcome the "premie" state, a few shots for the lungs and learning how to suck a nipple are about the only major obstacles.  However, even tho after 32 weeks is considered getting into a safe-zone, goal is 36 weeks (Nov 7).  Halloween babies????  I think we have already been spooked enough by these two little ladies!

So what did the new/multiples doctor (Dr. Tucker) say? Simple things I already knew really...  Basically in a nut shell:
  1. 20 weeks starts the risky period for pre-term labor.
  2. No heavy lifting, no strenuous exercise, don't over-do it, that kinda stuff.... (he basically said no 2 hour long shopping sprees, no lifting bottled water, cases of coke, bags of dogfood, and lots of other things that I naturally lift without thinking about it.... including Rose...)
  3. Eat throughout the day and listen to my body.
  4. When I can sit, then sit. When I can lay down, lay down.
  5. Because they are the same sex and the placentas are so closely related, DNA testing will be done regardless upon delivery - I will need to know for medical purposes later on (but the odds of identical naturally are <1% but they still do it)
  6. They each weigh 10 oz even. 
  7. Limb length and spinal fluid are concordant with growth and nothing indicates any genetic testing should further be done for Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Cystic Fibrosis, etc.
  8. If we do chose to do genetic blood test or an amniocentesis (which we did not) then the risk of a false positive more than triples in a multiple pregnancy.
  9. Baby A is head down, Baby B is breech.  
  10. A c-section will not be done unless absolutely necessary.  If Baby A stays where she is then a vaginal delivery will be attempted.  (My doctor took vaginal delivery off the table at the first appointment.....  I was kinda banking on a section...  Im still undecided how I feel about this?)
  11. I basically look as great as I can look for 20 weeks pregnant with Twins.  So far, everything is "ideal"
  12. Drink lots of water and he will see me in the delivery room....
So what about me???

  • I feel great as far as the pregnancy goes - no complaints on my end.
  • I am literally as scatter-brained as they come.  People say its called "pregnancy brain"...  well I believe it and I am self diagnosing.
  • I am completely unorganized with this pregnancy.  Every time I think about names, beds, moving into this house, selling that house, packing, unpacking, NICU, work, maternity leave, and the list goes on and on... I get so unbelievably overwhelmed that I cant think straight - so I quit thinking about it and NOTHING gets accomplished.  
  • I have not bought the first thing for the twins, our laundry is not done, there is no food in our refrigerator, we literally live day to day and pass Rose from sitter to sitter ... and pray Lizzie comes back to work soon. 
  • Mark has become a grade-A bacon cooker.  Bring on the BLTs because its quick, easy, everyone likes them, he can cook it himself, and the clean-up is a breeze.  Instead of the daily phone call on his way home from work to ask "whats for dinner?" sadly.. the comments have now changed to "do we need more bacon and are we out of bread?"  Bless his heart - maybe after the move and the arrival of the girls I will become motivated to take on my role as Suzy-Homemaker and start canning my own baby food again and only eating fresh vegetables and meat that comes from Farmer's Markets instead of Walmart.  But, for now, BLT's it is.  


Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Well, It's official.  We will be adding two more little girls to our family.  Honestly, I must admit, I was totally shocked this time around.  This pregnancy has been super easy (easier than Rose's - which I thought was a cake-walk at the time).  I feel great, no acne, no sickness.  I have more energy than I did when I wasn't pregnant.  ALL foods taste great!!!!  I mean - flavor is out of this world fabulous.  Bring on the jalapenos and Tabasco sauce - I'm loving all things spicy and hot and salty.  With Rose, I literally lived off of baked potatoes for an entire nine months and never ate a bite of meat.  I am actually loving being pregnant this go round (so far)!  I guess that's why I just KNEW there had to be a boy in there somewhere....I mean BOY/GIRL - that is really what I believed they were.  How else would things be "normal" when your pregnant???  Not a lot of "boy" symptoms, not a lot of "girl" symptoms - no hormonal fluctuations, no crazy cravings or bad acne.  I mean - that just had to be because everything is even - BOY/GIRL????  Well.... apparently not, and I am at a total and complete loss.  

I have come at this from several different standpoints....  
A)  9 prom dresses, 3 weddings, cheerleader tryouts, drama, Jr High ya-ya, mother/daughter fights, etc....
B)  I NEVER HAD A SISTER AND I AM SO EXCITED THAT ROSE GETS THAT!!!!!!!  I think sisters are the closest friends anyone can ever have and I cant wait to see the bond and relationship that our girls share

I also must give Mark a lot of credit.  After the initial shock wore off that we were going to be a house of estrogen, he has really handled the news quite well.  Of any man I know, he was just made to be a "girl daddy."  He has the patience of Job and I think I am already jealous of the type of relationship he has established with Rose.  In the "Good cop / Bad cop" scenerio - Mark is ALWAYS the good cop.  I was the one that got a little overwhelmed with the news on the ride home.  Tears started flowing - I'm not sure why - as I am the one that has always wanted girls, girls, and more girls! But then after I got them...  well... it kinda hit me like a ton of bricks - THREE GIRLS!!!! But Mark knew exactly the right things to say.  He basically said on the car ride home that "God gave us three girls because you (meaning me) cant handle boys - you would die if you had to raise a boy"....  and in all reality, there may be some truth to that.  He also said "God gives you what He gives you and that's what you got and nobody really has any control over it."  And truth of the matter is .... He is 100% correct.  Props to my pillar of strength in the whirlwind of my estrogen induced hormonal tornado.  geez...  

And before any of you ask me the BIG QUESTION... The answer is NO.  I am not getting my tubes tied.  I am 30 years old and that seems so finite.  We don't know what the future holds....



Thursday, July 10, 2014


I am not exactly sure what we did to deserve an entire week of bad medical KARMA, but we pulled it off. It started Friday when Rose woke up with her eye closed again and couldn't get it opened.  Joy - That made for a long day and 4th of July holiday.  Then, I developed some type of G.I. bug and had to leave the party a tad bit early due to the "situation."  It got bad - like in a hurry.  By Saturday night, I was a limp noodle - dehydrated and lethargic.  By Tuesday night, Mark had the same little bug.  He bailed on dinner with the grandparents to hug the toilet (good excuse I guess).  He had a long night Tuesday and long day Wednesday.  By Wednesday morning, Julia had the stomach bug and left work about noon.  In the meantime, Rose got a terrible rash - from an allergic reaction to something (still not sure what) and has been doped on Benadryl for 2 straight days to keep the rash at bay.  Last night I was up all night with a sore throat and at the clinic before work at 7am to meet Papa.  My white count was high but the strep test was negative.  I got a shot and went on my merry way.  Only, to meet Julia in his office (still sick with the bug), and pass Rose off to my mom in his waiting room (she was there to get the results of her MRA test from yesterday and have her coumadin levels checks due to a mild TIA stroke last week).  I MEAN SERIOUSLY........  I just looked at Papa and said "please don't retire, our whole family will fall apart."


Monday, July 7, 2014


I have never classified myself into the "that mom" category:

  • The MOM who is a complete germ-a-phobe and scrubs her kids hands 20 times a day
  • The MOM who thinks Kool-Aid and anything containing artificial preservatives or red dye is a total no-no!
  • The MOM who does not let her kid consume chicken nuggets fast-food style (although, I must admit after watching the you-tube video on how McDonald's nuggets are made - we haven't been back)
  • The MOM whose kid has never eaten sugar for fear of addiction, hyperactivity, or type I diabetes
  • The MOM who is serious about allergy foods and keeps her child at bay for a minimum of 2 weeks after the first consumption of strawberries, peanut products, or any other at-risk food item
  • The MOM who doesn't let her children ride in the car with other people for fear of a wreck
you get where I am going with this...........???

So, Then it happened... I got called "THAT MOM"....  

Rose went to a birthday party a few weeks ago, and all the children were eating hot-dogs.  One of the dads fixed rose an ole' wienie and loaded her plate with mustard.  When I noticed the size of the 'dog she had and the amount of mustard I was a little taken back.  First of all Hot-dogs are a HUGE choking hazard.  Rose has never eaten a hot-dog (to my knowledge).  But as I looked around, I noticed EVERY SINGLE KID THERE was just devouring their hot-dog.   So, I decided to play a cool mom and let her have it.  Plus, its really hard to tell your child NO when every other child there clearly is enjoying their hot-dog.  As I watched, Rose's little face was lighting up like she had just entered into a whole new world of food....  It was totally noticeable.  In fact, other parents started to make comments.

Finally.... I got 'the question' ... :
"has your kid never had a hot-dog before?"  

and then it was total silence at the birthday party.  I even think all the kids became quiet awaiting my answer:
"Well...."  I clearly started stumbling over my words here...
"I don't think so - I have never bought them for her.  Hot-dogs are a choking hazard and I have never really thought they were healthy, but I guess she really likes it...."

and then it happened...  "OH YOUR THAT MOM???"

So in a large effort to NOT be "that mom" I have now bought Rose both Hot-Dogs and Corn-Dogs.  By the way, Baby Girl LOVES them.  Lets just add them to list of foods she will eat when all else fails - in other words, another Junk Food added to the list!
excuse the hair... and FYI she was not in the picture taking mood...  as she was really trying to enjoy her corn-dog and i was interrupting her meal...

Oh well... I'd rather let her eat hot-dogs than be told I'm "that mom"....
I'm the COOL MOM... Don't yal know....????


Thursday, July 3, 2014


I really cant figure out how I always have intentions of "saying NO" and cutting back on the number of items on my "to-do" list, BUT I NEVER CAN SEEM TO DO THAT.  This all started back in May.  I serve on the Youth Council at our Church.  The preacher stated that the youth would not meet the week of July 4th due to the holiday.
Then I said it.  Yes.  I opened my mouth and vomited out a comment that would simply just add MORE STUFF to my list.
"I don't understand why we are cancelling church events - we used to always have a church-wide 4th of July party, and it used to be a lot of fun" ....  and then it happened....
"Well Cassey, that is a wonderful idea - can you just head that up please....???

So I delegated everything out to the Sunday School Classes, rented a few jump things for the kiddos, found a place to host the event, decorations from the Dollar Tree, got some borrowed tiki torches from Ju-Ju's garage, rented a snow cone machine and a popcorn maker, ordered enough hamburgers and hot dogs for 300 people - and volunteered ole' Sammy to cook them all!!!  

I must admit - it was honestly a FANTASTIC TIME!  The weather was perfect! There was a fabulous turn-out!  The food was delicious, and my party was a total success!  Everyone has been complimenting my Church-Wide July 4th party...  I guess that's until the Finance Committee gets the bill....  Eeekkkkk..... :/

just kidding.... ????


Tuesday, July 1, 2014


We have a roof, with shingles and all!!!

Loving the curve on the front of the house

A view from the back
We cant wait for the country life.  Rose occasionally gets lost out there - we always find her where the "fowres" are swaying.  Sometimes I'll catch a glimpse of a hot pink bow among all of the yellow.  She's getting used to having a little dirt under her sandals.  Thanks to Poppy's Rhino - mobile, she is learning to fit right in - Country life Style.

Eating Popsicles - playing in the field

Where's Rose ???

Country Life Stylin'