WOW! WHAT A YEAR??? That is all I can say.
This past year has not been one I will ever forget. Our little family has suffered some huge changes within the last 365 days. Some good. Some definitely not-so-good. It feels like the babies were born yesterday; yet at the same time it feels like it was 10 years ago! We have pushed through some of the toughest moments I hope we ever endure in our life. We now have a new partially built home that we are rockin' this "three-kids thing" in every single day. Life is finally starting to turn up for us. I hope. (At the very moment I type this I am crossing my fingers and knocking on wood so as to not jinx myself). We have the home narrowed down to about 4 projects before I can start nesting in it. That is HUGE progress!!! The twins survived the first year of their life - also a HUGE success. Rose, Mark, and I grew as a family and opened our arms up to these two little heart-steelers, leaving the only little life we have known as our family of three and stepping out on faith. Well, actually, it felt more like a 100 yard plunge that turned out as a major free-fall, if you can catch my drift. I wouldn't trade our life for anything in the world. It has been a blur but its a total blessing, that to be honest, we didn't even know we wanted, yet couldn't live without.

So here is our 1 Year Update....
- The girls started Day-Care in August and are LOVING it! The really do! Lizzie now works for the daycare until noon and I pick her up when I pick up Rose and they go to my house for the afternoon. I can definitely tell that the twins are more advanced than Rose was at this age just by constant interaction. However, the down side is the sickness. Daycare kids are SICK. ALL. THE. TIME. ugh.........
- Nobody can pronounce Maryn's name. It drives me totally insane. Mills started calling her May-May and it kinda stuck. So 90% of the time our girls go by May May and Millie.
- The best part of the entire day is first thing in the morning when they start jabbering back and forth at each other in their beds. It sounds like a conversation in a foreign language. Melts my heart every single morning.
- Millie has been easier the last few months. She piddles and minds her own business. She gets in trouble but mainly for meddling where she is not supposed to be.
- May May is the cuddle bug of the group - always wanting a hug, to be lovable, seeking attention. Her smile can bring a grown man to his knees.
- Maryn is getting slightly frustrated that she cant walk yet. She gets so upset when we walk into another room and she cant get there fast enough. Mills used to wait on her but since her speed in walking has increased to running mode - very rarely does she wait on her sister these days.
- Mills is turning into our tom-boy. She would rather throw things and play with sticks in the mud than anything girly. Rose would never have played in the mud for fear of getting dirty.
- Words they can say:
- May - mama, dada, bye bye, hey, un uh (no), tata
- Millie - mama, dada, bye bye, daye (darly), may may, hey, no, okay, come on, yea,
- Things they can do:
- May - climb stairs, clap her hands, put blocks on the stick (actually does great with wooden puzzles), squat down flat footed and back up unassisted, fast crawling
- Millie - back bend, throw her hands up like shes cheerleading with Rose, climb stairs, run, squat down flat footed and back up unassisted
- Diaper size 5
- Favorite Foods:
- May - pretty much anything
- Millie - bananas, peaches, and cheese crackers
- Foods they dislike:
- May - squash
- Millie - pretty much everything (she is our pickiest eater by far)
- adf
- WEIGHT: 23 lbs 6 oz. (88%)
- HEIGHT: 2 feet 7.5 inches tall (97%)
- HEAD CIRCUMFERENCE: 44.5 cm (32%)
- BMI: 16.56
- Clothing Size - 18-24 months
- WEIGHT: 21 lbs 4 oz. (66%)
- HEIGHT: 2 feet 5.75 inches tall (57%)
- BMI: 16.88
- Clothing size - 12-18 months
Dont take the monkey... |
*** A few side notes on the stats reports!
- Maryn has gone from <1% on the growth charts to 97% in length and 88% in weight. I am AMAZED. God is good.
- Surprisingly to me, Mills' BMI was higher than Maryn's - Maryn is 2 full inches taller than Mills - which accounts for a large portion of her weight.
- Mills' head is smaller than May-May's....??? I have always thought Mills head looked big compared to her little body but it is only in the 20%. (I had them measure twice).
- To be honest, we measured twice on most things. I was just certain Maryn was significantly bigger than Mills, but she is really just built much different.