OVERBOARD would be a complete understatement. Christmas at the Rose's completely revolved around the twins and Rose this year. I'm really not complaining because I feel like this is what Christmas is all about - CHILDREN. Rose was totally innocent this year - believing every single thing: Santa, Rudolph, Elf on the Shelf - no questions, no hesitation, no thought. Just truly believing and vulnerable. She was overwhelmed and excited. I can honestly say that it was far better to be on the giving end this year than the receiving. I really didn't want anything for Christmas, my mind was wrapped around Rose and the Twins and what they would love. I know that I wont have very many Christmases that ALL of my kids believe with their whole heart, so I tried to relish in it as much as possible. Cheers to a Fabulous Christmas!

So, my new theme for next years Elf on the Shelf is that for each night the Elf comes, the kids have to GIVE UP one toy. That way, hopefully by Christmas we will have cleaned out toys they no longer play with and will make room for all of the new toys. I refuse for the new house to get cluttered with random junk, and this year I was not very successful. High hopes for next year. Now, where do I put all of this stuff???