This year, to me, if felt like Easter lasted as long as Christmas does.... It was never-ending. Between 4 egg hunts, 2 school Easter parties, meeting the Easter bunny, and being the Easter bunny - I was worn completely out!!!! By the time we got the to the last Egg hunt at the Country Club, Mark said I was "No Help to him".... (I was taking pictures from a distance and sippin' Sangria).

The Egg Hunt at our Church was the first time that I have had a true emotional breakdown and the realization that I could not handle all 3 of my kids by myself (and my mom went). They split the age groups up and Rose was in a different hunt. She was crying for me to hunt with her. My mom could not take the twins alone. Maryn is a SUPA-STAR egg hunter. Not even kidding. I was not. She does not get this from her momma. Maryn is all about to some egg-hunting and the kid just took off. Dont you dare mess that basket either! She knows exactly how it is supposed to hang on her shoulder! Mills was sick with an ear infection and was not in the mood to people-please. She is not much on large crowds and everybody ooohhh-and-ahhhhhing over her anyway. Here is a glimpse of my morning:
"Rose stop crying" (insert me putting grass back into someones basket)
"Rose why are you upset - I said I would hunt eggs with you" (insert me holding 3 kicking screaming kids)
"Maryn put those eggs back in his basket, those are not your eggs" (insert me giving another kid back his eggs)
"Rose stop aggravating Millie" (picture two screaming kids fighting over eggs and baskets)
"Mills, holy cow, I have to put you down for 5 minutes" (picture a 2 year old tantrum)
"Somebody help me find Maryn" (picture me running around like a chicken with my head cut off searching for child #3)
"Rose stop hunting, the hunt has not started" (amazed look.... she actually found eggs all by herself)
"Maryn, stop eating candy from other peoples eggs" (OMG)
"Give her the DAMN COOKIE" (picture the twins crying because Rose doesnt want to share her cookie)
Do you get the picture yet?????
So Round Three ensues and now you understand why I was sipping sangria in the sunshine instead of chasing kids!!!! Mills was still pretty miserable with the ear infection, so we left her at my mom's house watching cartoons and laying on the sofa. Maryn (the Queen of all hunting) and Rose went to the Country Club. Mark handled them both like a champion. There was no fussing, everybody just had a great time (or is that the sangria talking????) (Mark's version is slightly different)
Not scared one little bit! She loves the Easter Bunny |
"where's an egg??? Come here little egg!!!" |
I adore this picture! I think she is looking more like Mark every single day! |
Easter morning Bubble Bath compliments of the Easter Bunny |
Another Easter Disaster....... I attempted to help Julia get lunch ready and her stove just quit working. Ann took all the food back to Nana's to cook. Rose went to Grandma Montagues for Easter. Mark took the twins and the BOTTOM FELL OUT. He was soaked. In every Easter picture I have with him, his hair is wet and stuck down to his forehead. And clearly, the girls were overjoyed with Easter pictures as well....