YES. WE PUT THEM TO WORK. Living in the country has lots of perks, and to be honest, I don't ever see us back in town. But, with all the joys of the country, comes a lot of responsibility. We are learning. Its a process. By responsibility I mean - if a tree falls, then the city is not coming to clean it up. You have to call a tree service, and get it cut down, then take a tractor and pick up whats left, and then burn the stump out. We don't have a yard to maintain, we have an ORCHARD. I loved growing up in the country, but lets be honest (again) - I was a daddy's girl, and my dad was a superhuman hero who was not only a handy man but an eagle scout and I NEVER DID A THING. So considering Mark and I are neither one "handy" and we have all this stuff to do now, we have to have help. AKA. ROSE. MARYN. and MILLIE. and dont say "your daddy never made you do it".... cause look how I turned out???? (not knowing what the heck to do when a tree falls down)... (cause my daddy did if for me... yeah yeah yeah) - anyhoo, we are learning people! And making CASH FOR IT!
Pecan season was a BLAST this year. Our trees produced more than they ever have and the money was well spent! We also had a few extra workers to help us out and they enjoyed every minute of the family time (at least that's what I am telling myself). We have 4 new chairs, a new kitchen table, a new sofa, the twins got a new bed, and we have a concrete patio! Heck yea!!! Cant wait until next fall! And trust me, we learned some tricks of the trade for next years harvest as well!!!!