- You weigh about 13 pounds. You have not been "officially" weighed on the baby scales.
- Size 1 diapers
- You SMILE most of the time, but you still have that Serious Side sometimes. That's the "Hardin" coming out in you!
- You eat 5 to 6 ounces every 4 hours. 8am, 12noon, 4pm, 8pm. You usually want more in the morning.
- You now eat 2 tablespoons of rice cereal before bed time (8pm) and have one "dream feed" about 11pm so that you will sleep through the night
- You usually sleep from about 9pm - 7am and its GLORIOUS!
- You have started to enjoy strolling a lot more. You seem amazed with trees and clouds... I think you just love the outside regardless.
- You love your big girl bed, but i don't like your big girl bed... I keep putting you back in the bassinet and you keep wanting out. You sleep better with more room and under that big fan. I sleep better when your within arms reach...
- You spent the night away from home for the first time at Dr H and Phyls. I will spare the blog my heartache.
- Miss Lizzie calls you "Nosy Rosie" because you always want to be in the action. If people come to the house - you wake up bug eyed. If your outside your head never stops moving from side to side - 180 degrees every few seconds. If your resting on her shoulder and hear the TV or the Dog you immediately lift your head and look around. You are so ALERT.
- You can push your head up when you want to.... If your being "NOSY" you can do it every time!
- It has become morning routine to watch Baby Beethoven or Baby Mozart. Your favorite is the Bubbles scene. You talk out loud every time the bubbles twirl.
- The hair blow dryer is your best friend. I swear you wake up when you hear it. If you are fussy all I have to do is put you in the nap nanny and turn on the dryer. It shuts you instantly!
- You have the dirtiest fingernails of any baby I have ever seen. I dunno how they get that way. They look like you just crawled out of a dirt pile. You hate to get them cleaned, and you clench your fist when I try. This goes for the removal of toe jam and hand jam as well.
DROOL... Oh My Gosh... you soak every outfit. Enough said.
- You have discovered Jewelry. Its like finding the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
- You wrinkle your forehead when your in deep thought. You get that from me. I have that look. People think I'm mad but I'm really just in my own little world, so I get your look, and I completely understand your thought process!
- You have a lazy eyelid. I also have a lazy eyelid, so I know how annoying that is going to be for you in the future.
- You are so laid back. You don't get that from me. That's all your daddy... Nothing seems to bother you, as long as your included in the party.
- You like to watch us eat. I'm not sure if its because Darly entertains you with her barking and begging for food, or if its because you want so badly to try whatever it is we are eating, or if its because you think we are cool.. but none the less, you eat, you bathe, you watch us eat, then its bedtime. ha ha ha.
- You are one of very few kids that actually LIKES the church nursery. Your little eyes light up with all the sounds and children screaming. I hope that this continues, because your THE only happy child on Sunday Morning.
- You will sit in your dads lap for extended periods of time and do nothing but face forward, relax, and drool. In fact, you do this every night. You have YET to do that with me. If I'm holding you, then you have to be pulling my hair, arching your back, looking around, kicking your feet, etc. I dunno why you wont just sit when its me, but you don't.
- You are definitely going to be a Talker. You have your own language already, and you add new vocabulary to it daily.
- You like the Coyote and the Roadrunner on Cartoon Network.
- Miss Lizzie said you laughed OUT LOUD the other day, but i missed it and you have yet to do it again for me to see!
- We just fall in love with you a little more every day.... We decided you may not be an only child after all.............................
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