Diaper Size: 3
Shoe Size: 3
Clothing Size: 12 months
Teeth: just one....
Milk: Organic Whole White Milk with DHA
- You love to open and close doors, preferably to hide behind them
- You don't like the word NO
- You see Diet Coke and you immediately start to kick your feet in desire
- You LOVE your passy - I can already tell that is going to be one hard habit to break
- "Veggie Bites" are your favorite snack
- You smile all the time - until I get a camera
- When you laugh, you ball your fists
- When your happy, you squeal
- You always lay in your bed for a good 15-20 minutes after you wake up in the morning. I think you need to adjust to the day. Also, 90% of the time, you work on your morning poo during this time. When your done, you squeal and stand up in the bed - that's my que to come get you.
- You love strolling, but are not a big fan of the sun in your eyes
- You love to try to put things on your head (interestingly they are things that actually belong on your head) i.e. hats, glasses, bows. You always miss and fall over. It is really funny!
- You use your "anytime" pottery barn chair more for standing to look out the window, than you actually do sitting in it
- You are the most laid back person I have ever met - You got that from your daddy. I hope you stay this way always. This quality makes you such an easy child - Mild mannered and sweet.
- As laid back as you are - You "talk" all the time. I definitely think you are going to be a "talker"!
- Its still all about Mickey Mouse - there is really nothing else I have found that you will watch
- V8 splash and Apple Juice are your two favorite drinks (other than coke)
- You prefer flavored oatmeal (unlike your mother), such as peaches and cream or blueberry
- You do not like strangers and will turn your head if someone tries to touch you. You really don't like to be touched, unless its by someone your extremely familiar with
- You survived your first tornado in Aunt Julia's basement this month - scary
- You weigh in at weight watchers every Tuesday with me (your momma). You now know the routine and crawl straight to the scales. Each week you gain an ounce or so.
- You are tough!!! You fall and hit your head, and just roll over and keep going.... It takes a lot to upset you!
- You have learned how to interact with Darly - you feed her from your highchair and wave toys for her to come get
- Hiding... Oh My Word... I have no doubts within the next few years, you are going to be a hide-and-go-seek champion! You hide somewhere, get extremely quiet, shut doors behind you, and wait... I swear you do this on purpose. Some of your favorite spots are under your bed, in your closet, the laundry room, and under the coffee table
- You like Banana flavoring
- You dislike Jello and Mandarin Oranges
- Not a big fan of Chocolate pudding, but you do like Chocolate
- You crawl into the bathroom and watch me get ready every morning these days - usually you are only entertained by make up for about 5 minutes. I think you wait until I am distracted to crawl into the shower and get your pajamas wet!
- "O" is your way of saying NO! and usually you push away whatever your "O"ing
- You have officially eaten dirt and dog food - neither one killed you - and I'm pretty sure you enjoyed both of them equally
- You still hate the sippie cup; however I have not let you have a bottle in over a month, so you have learned to tolerate it
- You now know that when Lizzie gets there, that means I am leaving. Some mornings you wave bye-bye, and some mornings you cry.... its always a coin toss. The mornings you cry, I'm usually late to work because I wont leave you crying.
- You have started to play with my hair, and you know that your daddy has chest hair. You have learned to pull down his shirt and pull it. Its really funny, but he hates it - it hurts!
- You are an extremely light sleeper, and you toss and turn all night long
- You can give kisses now
- Whenever your "really" crying and "really" upset, you break out in a rash all over your face and down your neck. That's partly how I can tell your level of pain/madness/hurt - the brighter and more splotchy the rash - the more your upset. It took me a while to figure this one out... the first few months of your life I immediately took you to the doctor thinking you were allergic to something ... turns out... no allergies... just a temper tantrum!
- You can roll your "r's" like your trying to talk in Spanish - you do this when your trying to make yourself cry and its not a "real" cry. You can also do the same thing with your "G" sounds
- If you hear the shower on, you make a bee-line for the bathroom, slinging open doors, and immediately crawl into the shower and get wet
- You have been introduced to most all "high allergy foods" - including strawberries and peanuts - you have no allergies that I am aware of
- You have only been sick once in the last year really - it started with an ear infection that turned into sinus drainage - you took antibiotics for 10 days - that's it - then you were all better!
- You are trying to "roll" forward and backwards - my little gymnast!
- You don't really like wearing socks and shoes
- I have become much more laid back than I ever was before. Little things don't seem to bother me or get under my skin. I guess I always pictured myself as kind of a high strung mom (because I live in the fast lane and its always GO, GO, GO), but its actually quite the contrary - I feel like I relate to your level and I'm much slower and relaxed these days....?
- I have eaten canned vegetables - which I would NEVER do in a million years before - Fresh Veggies - always.... But you can only steam carrots so many times before you learn that popping open that can is so much easier...
- I think I function better on a "schedule" too. I wake up and go to sleep on the same cycle you are on, and I think all-in-all, It really does help physically
- I truly enjoy all your Disney Movie Club movies - more than you do - Its like my inner child hood comes out! On Fridays I wake up thinking what our afternoon flick will be - The Lion King, Lady and the Tramp, Peter Pan, Tangled, Brother Bear???
- Maternal Instincts are definitely something that comes with being a mother - I notice Everything Now. Especially when you are with me. (crazy guy at the check out line, homeless man at the double quick, the amount of grease on fried chicken, police car 10 blocks over) I am just so much more aware of my surroundings than I ever was before.
- I too, have become a light sleeper. Before you were born, your dad and I slept straight through a Tornado (siren and all). Now, I think I could hear someones car alarm go off in Inverness. I wake up to every little sound all night long.
- My shoe size did not change, like most mother's say theirs do
- Fridays are my favorite days - its just you and me girl
- Nobody can "do it" better than me. I am your mom. If I fix a peanut butter sandwich FOR YOU - its way better than any other pb&j fixed by anyone else. You hear me????
- I am already scoping out the home life of your "possible friends at school" / girls that may be in your class... as the saying goes "A concerned mother can find out more information in 24 hours than the FBI in 5 years".... and I now know why my mom always wanted to talk to "their mom"....
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