

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Well, First of all let me state.... Rose is the best patient in the entire world.  Even Dr. Walker was extremely impressed with my child's well behavior.  Honestly, I was a little in shock myself.  I could not believe how still she sat and how great she did at her ear appointment.  The doctor kept saying "Most kids do not act this great, most of them start crying at the sight of me"....  and in the back of my mind I was thinking to myself "Yea right Mister.... Doctor... easiest job ever - I should have been an E.N.T.  - have you ever seen a kid at the Dentist??? Really?.... Hush it!".. (but I didn't say a word...)

OK.. So on to the Report...
She had so much fluid in her left ear that they couldn't even do the hearing test.  The machine kept saying ERROR.  Her right ear was not as bad.  He said it is affecting her hearing and language.  He proposed that her speech will greatly pick up after the placement of the tubes.  He noted that her canals were very small and that it did not look like they had grown much (hardly any in fact).  Her canals measured the size of an infant's.  I explained to him that Rose really has not grown in the last year.  She weighs about the same, and she is not much taller than she was in May (if any).  He said she would definitely catch up but told me because her ear canals are so tiny that he imagines she will be in the tubes for closer to 18 months (instead of the normal 9-12).
Getting tubes placed is the most simple procedure in the world I think.  I have no worries, and he didn't either.  He said it was safer than my car drive home.  I believe it.  Another reason why my new dream job is to be an E.N.T. doctor.  I think I would have been a good one.  I love to clean ears.
The surgery is scheduled for March 5th.  I only took off work until noon that day, so I am trying to pull my strings to guarantee that Rose is the first case that morning.????  Ann will be in charge of Rose's sedation, which makes this even less of a big deal to me.
I am really proud of Rose's behavior - she was such a big girl!!!!  And, I cant wait to get her little ears fixed so my baby can finally HEAR BETTER!!!! and I just know that this means she is going to Talk Better TOO!

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