

Monday, April 27, 2015


Lately, Rose has become extremely independent with her little sisters.  She suddenly has no qualms about trying to pick them up, change their diapers, put on their clothes, or feed them a bottle.  It is very sweet that she loves taking care of them so much but....  I have to be extremely careful with her around them now.  So, the other night while I was cooking supper I noticed that "things" were really quiet around the house.  I started to investigate.  What I found was Rose all dressed up in her princess dresses and both babies stripped down to their diapers.  She had bows and tiaras on them, but was being unsuccessful in her attempt to get those tutus on.  I did my best to explain that the twins were too little to play dress up and watch the I-pad in her tent.  After a minor melt-down, I finally thought to myself "what could it hurt honestly?"  So I helped her dress them up and get them arranged among the baby dolls in the tent (a.k.a. princess playhouse).  Surprisingly, the twins did not seem to mind one bit.  They never uttered a peep.  (not even with Rose trying to dress them herself).  It is so amazing to me how they just let her toss them around like little bean bags.  She thought it was the best princess play-doh video watching party in the entire world.  And, to be honest, it kept all three girls happy and occupied while Mark mowed the yard and I cooked supper and straightened up the house.  It actually worked out quite nicely! She is going to be such a great big sister!!!!  

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