HEIGHT: 3 ft 3 inches (89%)
WEIGHT: 30 lbs even (43%)
HEAD CIR: 18.898 inches
BMI: 13.87 (4%)
Shoe size: 7
Clothing size: 2T
Naps: 1 1/2 hour afternoon if I am lucky
Hair: blond and stringy
Eyes: Blue
Teeth: still missing our 2 year molars

What is your favorite food? - "pizza"
What is your favorite color? - "purple"
What is your favorite toy? - "far-farkle, wainbow dash, pway doh, and baby dolls"
(twilight sparkle and rainbow dash (my little ponies), play doh and baby dolls)
What is your favorite thing to do? - "the park and pway doh"
What is your favorite thing to watch on TV? - "pwah doh pwincess"
(play doh princesses on you-tube on the Ipad)
What do you want to be when you grow up? "A mommy"
Where do you want to live when you grow up? "In mommy and daddys bed?" (not sure she understood the question
Who is your best friend? "Massey"
What is your favorite animal? "Zwebras and cats" (we dont have either one???)
What is your favorite flavor? "purple"
What is your favorite game? "squirrels and ponies" (the squirrel board-game where you put the acorns in the tree and then a My Little Pony memory card game Phyl gave her for her birthday)
What is your favorite flower? "WALL of them"
Where is your favorite place to go? "to Phyls house, to Poppys house, and Ju-Jus house, and Swunde School"
Where is your least favorite place to go? "my house"
What is your baby-dolls name? "just baby-doll"
Who do you play with the most? "my fwiend who wides my cwar" (the neighbors little boy Bryan who comes over and they drive Rose's car)
A Little Birthday Humor That is Too Funny Not to Share:
Rose: "Where does Wainbow-dash live mom?"Me: "In a barn"
Rose: "Where is da barn?"
Me: "I dunno but ponies have to live in a barn and eat hay"
Rose: "But wainbow dash wives in the cwouds and the sky"
Me: "Oh, well yea I guess he is a special pony"
Rose: "Dad where does Wainbow dash live?
Mark: "I'm not sure honey, where do you think he lives?"
Rose: "Well I know" (and she starts doing this "ascending into heaven" motion with her hands)
Mark: "Where?"
Rose: "In da heavens with Jesus and Frogs"
Mark: "What?"
Rose: "Wainbow dash wives in heaven wif Jesus and Frogs"
Me: "Jesus lives in your heart Rose"
Rose: "Well get him out of der and send him back to be wif da Frogs" .... "Wainbow dash is Jesus's pony"
(after a moment of silence in wonder....)
Mark: I told her the dead frog outside went to be with Jesus in Heaven ..................
I really do stand in amazement at how much I can actually Love someone else. I look at her and my heart melts. She is everything I could have asked for in a daughter and more. The twins have some seriously high standards to live up to. I honestly cant imagine myself as anything else than a "mother of three beautiful girls". I look back and totally understand why the Lord gave them to us. Rose is growing up so fast. I feel like she was just born yesterday (yes I remember that delivery quite well...) and now she is about to start school. I am getting applications for tumbling, dancing, and she recently started violin lessons.... WHAT???? My baby girls is not a "toddler" anymore... she is really like a Little Girl. I am so proud to call her mine and I cant wait to see what the next year holds.
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