- Content
- Solemn
- People Watcher / Observer
- Rarely cries unless she is hungry or tired
- Starting to walk a few steps here and there
- We call her the "light weight"
- She eats less than Rose (if that is possible)
- Prefers cold foods (Popsicles, yogurt, cheese, etc). Not much on Hot foods (mac and cheese, pizza, pastas, baked potatoes)
- Self entertainer
- LOVES her bed and goes to sleep easily
- Sleeps all night and does not move
- Hates bows on her head and shoes on her feet
- Loves strolling and being outside
- Fascinated with Darly and dogs of any sort (really animals of any kind)
- When she gets mad she just lays face down on the floor
- Inspects all food with her hands before she will eat it
- Gives half of her food to the dog
- Can say "da-da" "ba-ba" "ma-ma" and "bye bye"

- Always happy!
- Always has a smile on her face and will steal your heart with her laugh
- Everything is funny to Maryn
- Wrinkles her nose before she laughs
- Completely unobservant - this child lives her in happy bubble place and does not notice her surroundings or the people in it
- LOVES food. She will take you down over some pasta, anything with melted cheese, and crackers. Gotta give her credit though, when she is full, she stops eating. She does reach a point where tank fills up but I also should note ... it takes a lot to fill the tank....
- The cuddle-bug of the two for sure - loves to snuggle and squeeze
- Hates going to bed but its slowly getting better
- Does not sleep all night every night. She talks and cries out in her sleep a lot.
- Not a fan of Darly because most of the time Darly tries to eat her food ...
- When she gets mad she still turns red and holds her breath
- This kid is STRONG! She is like a bull in a china cabinet! When she gets a grip on something it is all downhill from there!
- Hates a sippie-cup and highly prefers her bottle any day
- Has the softest hair I have ever seen. It also has more body and "fluff" than I have ever seen on a baby. Is it possible to be a little jealous of your kids hair??? It shines, looks healthy, and never frizzes. Its like perfect. For Real.
- Can say "hey" and "ma ma"
When they are TOGETHER:
- Maryn is more dominant
- Maryn would rather play with Mills, Mills would rather play alone. However, the vibe I am getting from Day School is that Maryn loves playing with anybody, so when she plays with other kids and leaves Mills alone, then Mills gets a little upset and jealous and busts up the party. Typical twin stuff. ya know??
- They sit in their beds for about 15 minutes after they wake up and just babble back and forth at each other. They dont cry in the morning, I usually just know they are awake because I hear the squeals coming from their room. This melts my heart completely.
- Starting to realize they are dressed alike and find amusement in their outfits. For example, Maryn notices a bow/ribbon/ruffle/3D something on Mills' dress and pulls on it. Mills gets mad. 5 minutes later Mills pulls on Maryn's. Then they start looking down at their own clothes like "oh, I have one too"
- When someone takes a toy away from one of them at the Daycare, the other quickly comes to the rescue and steals it back. The nannies at the center always report on them and it usually ends with one of them "bringing in the reinforcements."
- Totally entertained by Rose
- Starting to Race - who can crawl the fastest??? Who can get that toy that quickest???
If you ever wished for Twins you need to rub the genie lamp one more time. Our life is hard but TWICE AS NICE! More to love, more to squeeze, more to hug, more to laugh at, more to teach. Its a special thing and we are BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE!
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