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WEIGHT: 18 pounds 2 ounces (52%)
HEIGHT: 28 inches (69%)
- you have only grown 1/2 an inch and gained 1/2 a pound in the last 3 months
- SECRETLY im really glad you are no longer in the 90 something percentile on height - thats scary tall for a girl... That takes all of the fun out of high heel shoes....
- I like your stats much better this go round
- Eating everything! You have a tooth!!!!! Yay! Finally!!!!
- Carrotts are still your favorite food
- You LOVE "veggie bites" (cheetos)
- You are crawling everywhere and pulling up on everything!
- A very FAST crawler might I add....
- I think you are perfectly happy with crawling and you can do it so fast, sometimes I think that you think its easier to crawl than practice walking
- You will walk if your holding onto something (like around the coffee table)
- You will let go and stand by yourself for only a few seconds before you fall.
- You can hold your own bottle if nobody will do it for you
- You are loving your stroller and being outside!
- Size 2 shoe
- Diaper size 3
- Clothing size - 6-9 months
- Pajamas with feet in them - 9-12 months
- You always pull your socks off
- I am trying to wean you from the bottle but you dispise the sippie cup
- You are starting to laugh at everything
- You are learning the word NO and you sometimes pretend you have no idea what it means and I think thats so hilarious. We already have to say NO and then turn our heads so you dont see us laughing
- You have started to pull on the curtains and hide behind them
- Unpacking things is your favorite hobby: suitcase, diaper bag, garbage can, kitchen sink, blanket basket, toy bin
- We had to "cry it out" for the first time in the history of your life! It was 2am and I dunno why you woke up, but you were just wanting to play. You were not crying, not fussing, not wet, not hungry... just ready to watch Mickey and play with the dog, and I can assure you that Darly was in no mood to "play" with you at 2am, as your dad and I were not either, so I bit the bullet and put my foot down. You cried 15 minutes and then fell asleep. I handled it like a champ! That has not happened again. :)
I am loving every single minute of being your mother, and I would not trade these moments for the world! You have been the biggest blessing and truly taught me what LOVE is and what it means. There is something very protective that comes with a mother's love. I know that down the road a sibling is the best gift I can give you, but right now I cant imagine you having to share my heart. Right now, my heart belongs to YOU!
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