

Monday, May 23, 2016

Geez Louise time has flown by.  I am overwhelmed by how much Rose has grown in the past year.  It is almost heart-breaking.  She has gone from a scared little 3 year old to a mature, sensitive, and knowledgeable 4 year old.  Her vocabulary and thought process has more than tripled since she started school, and her independence and help with the twins has turned her into a little girl and not a baby anymore.  I grow more in love with her everyday, and if this past year is any indication of the young lady she is turning into then I am one lucky momma to have this little beauty.  My heart over-floweth.

Weight - 32 pounds
Size - 3T
Shoe size - 7/8/9 (?)

What is your favorite color?  Purple
What is your favorite thing to do?  Gymnastics
Where is your favorite place to go?  The Park
What is your favorite day of the week?  Sunday
What is your favorite book?  The Elephant Book (? not sure)
What is your favorite toy?  My Barbie House and Camper and all my Barbies
What is your favorite food?  Chips and Coke
What is your favorite flavor?  Purple (grape)
Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?  Mickey Mouse (even though we have not even been yet?)
Who is your best friend?  Maryn-Mills and Mommy-Daddy (double names)
Who is your best friend from school?  Calli
If you could have one wish what would it be?  For Khaki (my mom) to come home (from the hospital)


Thursday, May 19, 2016

Our life is a CIRCUS.  Do you hear me???  These two precious little bundles of joy are causing me to have grey hairs by the thousands.  They are such a handful.  I could give a million examples of how they absolutely exhaust me to no end, but I could also give you a million examples of why twins are the best thing that ever happened to our family. I sure hope I can remember every single detail of the beauty of raising twin girls.  I have no doubt I will remember the tears, the amount of poop, and the screams.  But every once in a while, I will catch a moment when they both wrap their little arms around me simultaneously and I think my heart might just explode there is so much love in it - and it makes it all worthwhile.  Our bundles of joy are 18 months and could not be any busier.  Lord bless help us.  

MARYN 18 month stats

Weight - 27.5 pounds
Height - I dunno but she is about 1/2 head taller than Millie
Diaper Size - 6
Shoe Size - 6
Teeth - 7
Clothing Size - 24 months or 2T
Words she can say - bye, da da, momma, nana, "tinky" (stinky), ba ba, no no, ta-ta, go, night night, mil mil (millie)
Personality - 90% happiest baby you will ever meet, 10% crazy lady, sweetest child I have, most loving child I have, Daddy's Girl for the Win, night owl, carefree (a lot like Mark in this respect), stubborn and strong willed but with the most tender heart.  She will wrap you around her finger in the blink of an eye!  Those cheeks were made to give sugar and those thighs were made to be held.  I could not possibly survive without her hugs.  She is the perfect "Baby Love"

MILLIE 18 month stats

Weight - 23 pounds
Height - ?
Diaper Size - 5 but she wears 6 because its too complicated to keep up with different size diapers for each kid
Shoe Size - 4/5 - I have had to start buying different colors so I can quickly tell them apart
Teeth - 5
Clothing Size - 18 months
Words she can say - everything Maryn can say plus some (down, up, look, shoe, uh-huh, gone, bath, toy, monk monk (monkey), cookie, 'nak' (snack), back pack
Personality - 75% solemn and to the point, 25% funniest kid of all time.  She is little miss Independent!  Sometimes I feel like I am looking at myself in action.  She wakes up with an agenda and I can totally see us in the future accomplishing major tasks together.  Easily responds to discipline, flexible, coordinated, content, lives on a schedule, easily flustered if she is not understood.  If you think she is judging you then she probably is.  She is not going to cuddle and don't expect any undivided attention from this little chicken.  She is all heart (from a distance).

Comparison to Rose at 18 months old:
Weight - 22
Shoe size - 3/4
Diaper size - 4
Teeth - 11
Clothing size - 18 month

I had no idea Rose was so much smaller than the twins are.  Is that not so ironic?  Considering how tiny they were for so long I really expected them to be behind in size forever....  Rose was 3 shoe sizes smaller than Maryn.  Holy cow.  Even just looking at her pictures from 18 months she looked like such a baby - and I feel like the twins are big girls.  (insert tears here)
even Darly is looking a little droopy these days ...


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

In the country you can always tell when Spring is coming HERE.  We don't need a groundhog to tell us.  Every time we turn around we have more baby geese in the bayou swimming closely behind their mom, baby birds jumping on the ground under the trees from their free fall adventure, snake skins that have been shed if you wonder down the road less traveled, and lastly SWARMS OF BEES.  They come in like a black tornado by the millions.  You can hear them coming from a mile away.  They never bother us, and they have never gotten too close to the house.  Too bad we don't have any landscaping or pretty flowers for them to pollinate this year.  They realized very quickly that our orchard was far from a bee-paradise and they moved on to their next potential home.  Maybe by next spring we will have a little more to offer.....