

Thursday, June 20, 2013

... with the cutest fish you have ever seen!

In preparation for a WEEK LONG FAMILY VACATION!!!!, Rose took a class in Cleveland for Infant Water Safety.  The main lesson to be taught to the kids was to float on their backs and breathe.  Rose would rather jump of the side and sink to the bottom....  Not a big fan of "floating" and REALLY NOT a big fan of being on her back in the water.  I definitely don't see many back strokes in her future!  For the most part, Rose did extremely well.  She was the most advanced child in her age group by a long shot.  The class ranged from 6 months through 2 years old.  Some 2 yr old kids wouldn't even put their face in the water.  Rose never had that problem ....  By the end of the class, she was jumping off the sides of the pool, pulling herself out of the pool, blowing bubbles, and going under without choking.  I was so proud of my little fish!  I have had big plans for our beach vacation.  However, Rose got in the lake last weekend (after a week of swimming) and screamed bloody murder....  So now I'm unsure as to what was the cause of the fear...  I'm thinking the lake was just really "Vast"... Big, and unknown.  But then again, the ocean is even bigger... so now I'm slightly worried... who knows how she will do at the beach...  guess I'll know in a few days! We cant wait!

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