

Thursday, December 22, 2016


My gracious.....  I just look at these two faces and my heart literally melts.  I can not imagine a single day without them or even remember life before them.  Things are finally starting to calm down a little bit and we have a "handle on the situation."  We have graduated from needing help in more ways than one, to actually piloting these two beauties into childhood.  They are so SO SO SO different, yet so much alike in the same breath.  They are Sugar and Spice.  They are apples and oranges.  They are two beasts of a different color.  They are everything and fit every mold to seal our family ties with golden ribbon.  They are so much me, and so much Mark all in one.  They are Joy, and Laughter, and TEAMWORK, and partners in crime, and allies, and enemies, and best friends, and SISTERS!!!!  I honestly do not know what I did to deserve the blessing of twins but I look at these pictures and tears come to my eyes, because in everything Mark and I have ever done wrong in life, we must have done something right.  



Maryn - 30 pounds (84%)
Mills - 22 pounds (3%)
Rose - 26 pounds (39%) - @ age 2


Maryn - 35.75 inches (90%)
Mills - 33 inches (33%)
Rose - 34.5 inches (72%) - @ age 2

You don't realize how small Mills is until you compare her.  Maryn is just tall and strong!  Looking back, Rose was an even split in the two of them.  I am still buying the same size clothes (2T or 3T) but Maryn  fills it out and Mills has the pants rolled up and the sleeves tucked under.  Maryn wears an 8 shoe size and Mills is still comfortably in a 6.  I have started moving her up to Maryn's size 7 hand me downs but that's not the case across the board.  They both have thin curly hair that does not part to one side or the other (its different each day).  

Moving on to the feet..... 
Maryn has Mark's toes.  Bless. Her. Heart.  Even the way her toenails grow (down and not out).  She is as flat footed as she can be.  Millie, on the other hand, has "Rose" feet.  (not my feet - I was not blessed with Rose feet).  Julia has "Rose feet".  Sissy has "Rose feet."  Walt has "Rose feet".  My dad and Samuel both have "Rose feet."  They are Nana's feet.  Once you see them you can recognize them anywhere.  They are pretty feet.  They are petite and arched.  The nails grow thick and white (not yellow or thin or crunchy).    The big toe is proportionate and they do not grow hair.  I know you think Im crazy for dedicating an entire paragraph to FEET but people with good feet really can not appreciate what a blessing they have....  and in my family, talent is really lacking, so having the "good feet" gene is really all one can ask for.....

Maryn:  food of any kind, outside, cuddling, dancing, reading stories, "Peppa-Pig", bath time
Mills:  playing chase, doing flips, yogurt, chocolate milk, climbing, playing in my make-up, spaghetti

Maryn:  pudding (especially banana), to be rushed, cold weather
Mills:  bath time, bed time, school time, finicky about meats

Maryn:  Literally THE. SWEETEST. CHILD. YOU WILL EVER MEET!  Not even joking!!  This kid has more love in her little heart than the whole world.  Her smile can light up an entire room and people instantly fall in love with her.  She is more of an introvert.  She prefers to play alone or with one or two kids at school.  Her best friend is Ruby.  She is a follower and will do whatever Mills or Ruby coax her into doing.  She is naive and gullible.  She does not get in a hurry and is oblivious to her surroundings.  We call it "Maryn Land"....  She lives there.... all day long, every. single. day.  She is strong, yet scared of tripping over her own two feet.  She is my best sleeper by far and would probably sleep until 10 a.m. if Millie left her alone and the house was quiet.  She will stay in the bathtub for an entire hour playing with toys and is so content self-entertaining.  As sweet as she is, I must admit, she is the most temperamental chick in the house.  She doesn't like the word "NO" and does NOT like a spanking or discipline.  Although she has gotten better about her mood-swings since we took her off of the Singulair, she still has a long way to go.  Sometimes, the slightest little thing will set her off, and you better just back away because hell hath no furry like a Mad Mae Mae....  When she gets really upset she will go to her room and close the door.  I am not sure if it is because she knows she is in trouble so she is self-disciplining or if its because she is so mad she wants away from me and everyone else and it is a distance thing (like her way of coping - she wants away)... and probably a healthy mix, but either way... give her 30  minutes alone to work her issues out and she emerges the sweet kind-hearted Maryn we all know and love.

Millie:  Her momma made-over....  As much as I hate to admit it, I see myself almost 90%.  I think sometimes I can seriously read her mind.  I know her every thought even before she thinks it.  She will be my biggest ally and my worst enemy.  The kid wakes up with her shoes on - ready to go.  She lives by agenda.  She is nosy and knows where everything is in our house and has re-organized every drawer in the whole 4000 sq feet.  She is fast and silly and knows routine.  She thinks outside the box and analyzes everything (for example, how to make steps out of pots and pans to climb in the pantry, how to hide her food under her pillow for after bedtime, how to change her tee-tee panties without me knowing if she has an accident).  She prefers to play with the boys at school.  Her best friend is Elliot.  Nothing scares her.  She is a daredevil from the get-go.  She is not affectionate in the least bit and the thought of giving love or cuddling seriously pains her I think.  She rarely snuggles or offers any sympathy.  She has her daddy's balance and coordination skills (that's the 10% that's not mine).  Kid can already catch a ball and kick a soccer ball farther than Rose.  She prefers Mark, hands down, any day of the week, over me.  Daddy's girl for the win! She is by far my most-content child.  She very rarely puts her foot down about major issues and never really pitches fits or has temper tantrums.  As long as nobody does anything stupid, like switch sippie cups and give her Maryns, the world turns pretty evenly in her life.  She wears her feelings on her shoulder and you can always tell her mood by her facial expressions.  Did I just write an autobiography???

WOW!  All I can say is... WOW!!!  The Lord has surely blessed us, and I am scared for the future!  It has been a roller coaster ride these last two years and I can only imagine what the next two will bring!!!  Never dreamed I could be so happy with THREE LITTLE GIRLS and a house full of pink but I swear, yal, we won the lottery.....  

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