

Monday, March 11, 2013

She is only 2 months short of a year....

How depressing is that???

Weight:  19 pounds

Diaper Size:  3

Clothes:  9 months (some 12 months)

Shoe Size:  3 (however, she is like her momma when it comes to shoes... she really can wear anything from a 6month to a size 4 depending on what matches her outfit) :)

Foods:  Pretty much all table food, she very rarely eats baby food anymore.  Some of her favorites are deli turkey meat, cheetos, mashed potatoes, muffins, string cheese, and shortbread cookies (and of course... carrots)... Gotta give the little Chick credit - she knows how to use that one little tooth!

Formula:  Parents Choice (Walmart Brand).  5 oz morning, lunch, afternoon, and bedtime

Words:  Ma Ma, Da Da, Dar Dar (Darly?  We think... Its different from Da Da), Bye  Bye, Ba Ba (bottle?  We think...)

Hair Color:  Dark Blond

Personality:  Laid back, stubborn, not a big "people person", loves kids, Mommy's girl until about 6pm then all bets are off and she wants her Da Da, easily entertained, keeps to herself in the morning, bath time is her favorite time of day, she doesn't like to be held all the time, not a big cuddler, likes to put herself to sleep, covers her face when she is really tired, has become attached to a particular pillow (the curved pink rabbit), knows the sound of ice shaking in a diet coke, hates a sippie cup, loves a passy, likes her bath water HOT, and likes her food cold

New Tricks:  Dancing, climbing over into things, giving "hugs" (she can squeeze)

When you ask her "Rose, Where is ______?" she now looks for and recognizes them?  These would be:  Lizzie, Darly, Passy, Shoe, Bottle, Doll, Phone

She knows what NO means!

She is a extremely Light Sleeper

Ways I know she is really smart:
  • At the nursery, she will crawl over to the wall of diaper bags and grab HER bag only...  Even tho there are 15 diaper bags hanging on the stand.  She will get out HER bottle and HER snack.
  • She will hide her snack in her the car so that I wont know she has it (sneeky little booger)
  • She knows the way to crawl through her tunnel even if it falls down, is upside down, or wrongside out. 
  • She knows to put a cell phone up to her ear!
  • She knows that shoes go on her feet, and even tho she kicks them off constantly, she still tries to put them back on

Conversation between me and Mark the other night while we ate dinner:

Mark:  What Girls will be in Rose's class at school?
Cassey:  Well...  that depends.  She has a late birthday.  We could hold her back easily and she would be one of the oldest in her class, or we could let her go and she would be extremely young for her class.  Technically, I was supposed to be a grade ahead of you, but there is only 3 months difference in our age so I got held back.  Make sense??  Would you want to ever hold her back?
Mark:  Well that depends...
Cassey:  I agree, I think we should just wait and see exactly how advanced she is in school before we make that call?
Mark:  Well she has the genes to be really good
Cassey:  You mean smart?
Mark:  Academically?
Cassey:  Yeah, Isn't that what you meant?
Mark:  No, She needs to be in whatever class the girls are more athletic.  I cant get them to state if they don't have potential....
Cassey:  (Silence)

This just goes to show you how 2 people can be in the same conversation and take it two completely different ways....  Bless his heart if she loves Ballet more than Soccer!

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